• Reduces bacteria, fungi, viruses (including coronavirus) in just 30 minutes to 99.95%

  • Ensures safety - inactivates microorganisms through photocatalysis

  • The photocatalysis process is fast (silent, maintenance-free), ecological and effective


Sentinel Clean Air device has been designed for rooms decontamination in which a group of people stay at a specific time, and a small social distance may favor the transmission of viruses (including SARS-CoV-2), bacteria and fungi. Sentinel Clean Air is designed to an area up to 300m3. The Sentinel Clean Air decontaminator is dedicated especially to: hospital wards, clinic, patient rooms, waiting rooms, rehabilitation rooms, restaurants, lecture halls, kindergartens, schools, offices, pharmacies, shops, public buildings, residential buildings.


Photocatalytic technology


Photocatalysis is a chemical process that changes speed or initiation chemical reaction involving light in the presence of a photocatalyst. One of the most effective photocatalysts is titanium dioxide (TiO2) which inactivates harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds and volatile organic compounds.

The layers on which the titanium dioxide is applied are very well developed surface due to the use of highly porous ceramic layers, and the TiO2 particles themselves have been specially modified to also react to visible light radiation.

The action of photocatalysis is similar to that of photosynthesis in nature. The end product of this reaction is a small amount of CO2 and water vapor.


Advantages of technology


  • The photocatalysis process is fast, ecological, and efficient, that is why it is a great way to keep the air clean, purifiers eliminate viruses up to 99.95% within 30 minutes, bacteria up to 97% within 3 hours and funghi to 94% in 3 hours.
  • It does not use UV-C lamps, ozone, silver ions, Hepa filters, carbon filters.
  • Technology is safe for humans, animals and plants. Provides protection 24/7.


Mode of action


Stage I - The contaminated air is directed inside the device, where passes through filtration layers that trap solid particles such as dust: PM 2.5, PM 10 and larger.

Stage II - The air goes to the ceramic layers overlaid modified titanium dioxide (TiO2). The structure of ceramics and compounds deposited thereon, in a photocatalysis process activated with UV-A lamps permanently destroy viruses, bacteria, chemical and unpleasant pollutants smells.

Stage III - In the final stage, the air passes through a filter with nanoparticles copper implanted on a fleece that inactivates funghi residues and mold.



Effectiveness confirmed by scientific tests


The devices have passed scientific tests - proven effectiveness against viruses, bacteria and fungi. Research conducted by renowned scientific institutions:

  • Department of Environmental Biotechnology of theTechnical University of Łódź.
  • PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Proteon Pharmaceuticals.
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Microbiological Diagnostics at the Medical University of Łódź.


Reports from the scientific world prove that photocatalysis is effective in destroying viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds.


  • Research carried out by the Department of Environmental Biotechnology of the Technical University of Łódź has shown high efficiency of air microbiological disinfection. Just after 1 hour of decontamination, the number of bacteria decreased by 80%, and the number of fungi decreased by 54%. The best effect of reducing bacteria by 97% and fungi by 94% in the air is achieved after 3 hours of operation.
  • Tests on bacteriophages carried out by the research unit PAN Proteon Pharmaceuticals S.A. have shown that that the technology inactivates viruses up to 99.95% within 30 minutes.
  • The device has undergone positive tests at the Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Microbiological Diagnostics at the Medical University of Łódź.


Technology used by NASA


Photocatalysis is one of the most modern and effective methods of air purification, intended for decontamination large surfaces, as evidenced by the fact that NASA uses it on board the International Space Station and for decontamination equipment before transportation.

* Jay L. Perry, Kenneth R. Frederick, and Joseph P. Scott: "Comparison of Photocatalytic Oxidation Reactor Performance for Trace contamination of the spacecraft cabin ".


Bacteria Average Average Good Good Average Excellent
Molds Average Good Good Good Average Excellent
Mites Average Average Average Good Average Excellent
Gases Average Average Good Good Average Excellent
Fragrances Average Good Good Good Good Excellent
Smoke Good Good Good Average Excellent Good
VOC Average Average Good Good Average Excellent



Sentinel Clean Air - Technical Specification:


  • A device for air decontamination in the presence of humans

  • Reduction of viruses up to 99.95% within 30 minutes, bacteria up to 97%, fungi up to 94% within 3 hours confirmed by tests

  • Inactivation of microorganisms and VOCs in the photocatalysis process of UV + TiO2

  • In the process of inactivating microorganisms, it does not use hydrogen peroxide, UV-C lamps, ozone, HEPA filters, carbon filters

  • Purification of the air from PM 2.5 and PM 10 and larger particles through a replaceable pre-filter

  • Inactivation of funghi and mold residues through a post-filter with copper nanoparticles

  • Capacity min. 300m3 / h

  • Intuitive operation through a color display with messages and control buttons

  • Possibility to choose one of the three programmed work cycles, different-colored illumination of the device and display depending on the selected mode and the progress of the process

  • Equipped with four ball-bearing swivel wheels, including two with a brake

  • Safe for patients, staff and equipment - the end products are oxygen and water vapor

  • Dimensions: width: 50cm, depth: 50cm, height: 85cm

  • Weight: 20kg

  • Power supply: 230 V 50Hz

  • Noise level: 51 dB

  • Energy consumption: 192.2 W

  • Online technical support

  • Warranty 24 months from the date of installation




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